Monthly Archives: February 2011

Brett Popplewell at The Hive

Our first event of the year was exciting.  There were some problems, such as technical difficulties, and a poor turnout, but those who did come were mightily impressed by Brett, and we’ve had feedback already, from students and faculty, saying that it was fantastic.  We’re going to work on turnout, and have learned to not just take people’s word for what is available in the audio/visual dept., but check it out first.  They don’t always know what glitches can turn up.  All turned out well.  SSF was a great help, and, though the Hive was noisy at first, we can probably fix it for future readers.  Brett was a wonderful speaker, unassuming and incredibly talented, with lots to share with the students.  His publishing as well as journalistic talents are truly impressive.  A great start for the season/ series.

The Week That IS

This is a big week for the Salon.  I’m hoping all the ducks are in place.  Tomorrow is our Speaker from the Toronto Star, who is also an online journal writer/editor/publisher for Feathertale, Brett Popplewell, at The Hive, S@Y, Feb 17th 2-3.  I’ve lined up a journalism student, who says “this is his life” to be host for Popplewell, and to make a small connection for him.  I’ve managed to get it to some journalism students who were going to be broadcasting and (fingers crossed) they mentioned it on air. We’ve postered and the SSF has been great.  One of our faculty advisors has taken on the task of getting the announcement on the Blackboard for Seneca, and another has put it out on Twitter.  We have it splashed over our Salon site for anyone who might venture there.  I’ve sent info out to various faculty members (journalism, broadcasting, etc) but not sure if it’s gone anywhere.  I know it’s hard to sell these things if it’s not something you are intrinsically involved in it … and even then, I can almost hear the unspoken groans when my students hear me bring up a Salon initiative one more time. 

It’s strange.  The students that are involved are very much there, yet it’s hard to get them organized  – as I know with any organization that isn’t run on pay checks.  You do what you can.  Your heart is in it at the moment, but you get pulled in other more practical and essential directions most of the time.  But the Salon is very real in spirit and in actual effort when the students can actually find time.  I was very pleased at the recent Facebook response to the befriending of Salon connections.  But perhaps that is because I don’t truly understand Facebook and all its attendant etiquette.  In all events, it’s great fun to explore this, and I find the energy and support the students have given me is tremendous and I applaude them for it.  Never let it be said that the new generation is insular!

Great Stuff Happening This Week

Check out Brett Popplewell speaking at the Hive at S@Y, Q&A session to follow.

Also, the Writing Contest is in full swing. Lots of entries already. Three catgories: Short Fiction, Poetry, and Creative, PLUS!!! publication in our online journal for Fall.

New Day and More to Say

I have been trying new things with the blog, but it is all not intuitive, as I treat it like a normal web site.  At the moment I am trying to take down a page, but have been unable to do that.  I am reading the tutorials slowly (as I find time) and find them useful.  I’ve finally grasped the fact that pages are not onging blogs in themselves, but rather more permanent bulletins that remain forever.  they can be edited though, so I am going to think of pages that could use that feature – not an updating , but an addition to the original.  Meanwhile, how do I take them down??

New Week – Lots of Activity

The Writing Contest has begun, with lots of activity over the weekend.  The entries have begun to come in already, even before there are posters up.  The entries so far seem to be from Newnham campus, which is interesting.  Word went out on the announcement page on Friday, this may indicate that students at Newnham watch the announcements for ideas.  We’ll see what the response is by next week.  It’s very early days.

Monday meeting was set up at 11;30, but two of the members couldn’t make it.  Devon, Olivia, and Max all showed up, however.  We discussed a quick poster that we’re dispersing while we wait for the official one to come from SSF.  We got approval for the prizes today and will buy them ASAP.  We also discussed the reading series that is going to happen. There is a second meeting of the community connection people tomorrow at 12:30.  Also connected with three former students and very active members of the student community (in three separate encounters), and let them know of our events.

I am currently lining up the judges for the contest, making sure that there is one published author on each of the three categories.